Thank you for your interest in establishing water service with TASS. To sign up for service at an existing residence, we will need a completed service application, driver’s license, and proof of ownership/lease. If you would like to apply for a new meter set, please contact us at our office. If your new meter set requires a bore under the road, please note that a $2,500 bore fee will apply.
Note: All meters must have an accessible shut-off valve within 3 feet from the meter.

If you install a new irrigation system, it will require a separate meter. We do not allow irrigation to be connected to an existing house meter. Please contact the office for more information.
All backflow devices are required by TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) to be tested annually and the results be sent to TASS.
For residential accounts, anyone who is certified to test backflows, may complete your test. If you choose to have another company test your device, you must contact the TASS office by June 1st of each year to notify us of your plans of testing. These test results must be submitted to TASS by July 1st of each year. If no response is received by July 1st, TASS will test your backflow device. The charge for the test will be added to your bill as well as any charges associated with repairs, not to exceed $150.00. If repairs are needed, they are made onsite without customer contact. In the event the repair charge will exceed $150.00, the device will not be repaired, and a Customer Service Representative will contact you. If your device fails the first test, it must be retested after repairs are made to ensure it passes and is working properly.
For Commercial & Industrial Accounts, TASS does not test any Commercial or Industrial backflow preventers. Each customer is responsible for completing this annually and the results must be submitted to TASS by July 1st of each year. Failure to comply with backflow testing may result in termination of Water Service.