Frequently Asked Questions
No, each residence requires its own meter.
Yes, it is the customer’s responsibility to be sure they have a pressure regulator on their side of the meter. TASS does not regulate water pressure.
All new meter installations are required to install a shut-off valve within 3 feet from the meter box.
No, our responsibility ends at the meter; the customer is responsible for the connection past the meter to the residence.
If you have an in-ground irrigation system, TASS policy states you must have an additional water meter. All irrigation meters must also have a shut-off valve within 3 feet of the meter as well as a back flow preventer. All backflow preventers are required by TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) to be tested annually, with the results sent into TASS.
If both residences require water, each must have their own meter.
Yes, as long as the hose from the spigot is not placed in the watering trough to cause the water to be siphoned back into the system. Otherwise, a backflow preventer needs to be installed.
Some of the reasons may be, a) a broken main line, requiring the water to be temporarily shut off; b) non-payment of the water bill; or c) there is a leak from either the meter to the house or from the main line to the meter.
Immediately call the office and TASS will dispatch someone to schedule a time to obtain a sample for testing.
No, there can be no other connections, lines, pipes, etc. to the sewer line.
Yes, if disconnected for the winter, you will not receive a bill. However, you must call the office and request that the sprinkler be turned off and there will be a service charge for reconnecting the sprinkler meter.
The Post Office will not forward your bill. If you are going to be out of the area for any length of time; call the office and put in a change of address. Be sure to change it back once you return to the area. Caution: Depending upon when you change your address, you may or may not receive your next bill at the new address.
TASS’s policy is that your bill may be adjusted once every year. Call the office and ask to speak to a Customer Service Representative. All requests are handled on a case by case basis.
If you have questions regarding your bill, it is very important to call the office as soon as you receive your bill. Our office can only retrieve the last 30 days of information from your meter.
Check the Post Office to see if there is a problem. Call the TASS office and be sure that we have the correct address and ask for your current bill amount. Send in your payment as soon as possible in order to prevent additional penalties being added to your bill.
You can also view your bill online by visiting our payment website. Use your account number and the last four digits of the primary number we have on file to log in. Once you have logged in, click the “Bills” button to view.
Depending on when it was installed, it may be up to two months before you get your first bill.
All bills are due on the 10th of the month. Note: Should the 10th fall on a weekend or a TASS recognized holiday, the due date will be on the next business day. Your statement will show the NET AMOUNT DUE: and the next line indicates it is due by the 10th of the month. If you do not pay by the due date, a penalty is assessed, and that amount is also shown on the bill as the Amount Due After Due Date:
All bills that are received by the due date will be posted as being “on time”. Bills received after the due date are considered late and the amount due plus a penalty amount is assessed.
If bills are postmarked by the due date or are placed in the drop box after closing on the due date, bills be considered “on-time” and will not be assessed a penalty.
Note that past due accounts are subject to disconnect and an additional service charge of $45.00 is assessed when disconnected. Our office will not attempt to call for bill reminders. Your bill is your only notice.
No, customers served by the System are not permitted to cross-connect the water service supplied by TASS to any other water supplier or private water system (well). However, the well may be used separately for outside watering only as long as it is not connected to our System. Note that there must be a complete separation of the two sources – a valve between is not acceptable.
No, tampering with utility equipment or stealing service will be grounds for discontinuance of water service. If you require your meter to be locked; call the office and speak to a Customer Service Representative.
TASS is required to publish, on a yearly basis, a Water Quality Report including a Consumer Confidence Report showing that your water meets all health standards of the State of Tennessee. The current report is posted on the TASS website.
You should reach out to a plumber or to the manufacturer of the grinder pump.
Yes, it is a TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) requirement to have your device has to be tested annually. You can have any company of choice test your backflow device as long as they are certified. They must send in the results, their Backflow Certification, and the Calibration Test Kit to TASS. You must contact our office by June 1st to notify your plans of testing. If no response has been received, TASS will test your backflow device. The charge for the test will be applied to your bill, $50, as well as any charges associated with repairs, up to $150. Repairs will be made on site without customer notification. If your repairs are to exceed $150, your backflow device will not be repaired and we will contact you.
If you device fails the initial test, it must be retested after repairs are made to ensure it passes and is working properly. Both test results need to be sent into TASS.
TASS will only mark the main line. We do not mark any customer lines.